And they claim that Indians have never invaded any foreign land!!!

“India never invaded any country.” This is one of the most popular beliefs that we have & we are proud of it. SORRY TO SAY… your belief is gonna shatter after reading this.
This belief is contrary to the Cholas going eastward and influencing them. Moreover, these expansions were military invasions where the Chola army conquered the kingdoms and absorbed them into the Chola empire.
Never heard of them. Right?
Let’s discover…

Vijayalaya was the founder of the Imperial Chola dynasty, which was the beginning of one of the most splendid empires in Indian history, which ruled for over 1500 years.
Through their leadership and vision, the Cholas conducted military campaigns in Southeast Asia.
The Chola fleet - the world’s strongest navy!
The Chola fleet represented the zenith of the ancient Indian maritime capacity.

In the year 1025, they launched a naval expedition into the Srivijaya kingdom of Indonesia. This marked an end to the ruling dynasty of Shailendra.
But do you know what made these invasions unique?
Despite being invaded, the people of Southeast Asia readily accepted their culture. The reason stated is that these conquests were never exploitative or extractive in nature. They didn’t colonize. The Chola School of Art spread to Southeast Asia and influenced the architecture and art of Southeast Asia. This is how they spread the Hindu culture.
The Brihadeshwara temple - a Chola temple?
It is considered the best example of Chola temples as it is the finest monument with splendid sculptures and decorative mouldings. The main structure of the temple has a great tower which rises to a height of 190 feet.

Not just temples, the Cholas built many other buildings, such as hospitals, public utility buildings, and palaces.
Features of the Government and Army
They developed a centralized government and a disciplined bureaucracy. The major sources of income were land revenue and trade taxes.
The Dynasty possessed a strong military, with the king as supreme commander. It had four components: cavalry, elephant corps, infantry divisions, and a navy.
The real Indian history…
Who will tell us about the great empires that our people once established? Nobody. Indian historians are busy glorifying the invasions that India suffered.
We must find it ourselves. The Indians invaded and conquered the majority of foreign lands, including China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Myanmar, and many others.
…and all we’ve been taught is, how we were conquered and ruled over.